Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, the Year of Promotion and Lifting, the month of Total Restoration of health and inheritance, and the Season of Miracles. Watch motivating? and soul enriching messages at www.youtube.com/umaukpai And follow us on Facebook
Declaration for July: Father God, I welcome the month of July 2020. It shall be a season of raw demonstration of the power of God, where all everlasting mountains shall be scattered and perpetual hills levelled out. I shall witness THE END of all sicknesses and diseases of long continuance, all hereditary diseases and all long-term oppressions of the wicked. Throughout this month, it shall be a month of total restoration of my health and my inheritance. I declare, I shall go from one level of glory to another in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Weekly Partners Declaration: This week marks my journey into Season of Favour. I receive the grace to serve God relentlessly. I declare, the times of spiritual hopelessness and disappointments have come to an end! By the unction of God upon this commission, I receive spiritual refreshing to every wilderness experience. As I praise and worship God this week, every mark of the wicked that is responsible for my struggles over the years, they are completely removed this week. All through this week, people I know and dont know shall run after me to favour me in grand style in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Bible Study: Provoking Uncommon Favour
Concluding Prayer
Worship song for Today:? What do You believe in?
Prayer School
Daily Wisdom Devotion: Provoking Uncommon Favour
Luke 2:52, Gen. 39:4, Luke 10:27, 1 Kings 3:3-5, Acts 10:34, 2 Corinthians 9:6, Luke 4:18-20, Isaiah 10:27, Exodus 3: 21
Men and brethren, the man that operates in the realm of uncommon favour is a man that God teaches; he shall not be a failure, shall not die of sickness, shall not die of disgrace, shall not die of reproach, and shall not die of shame. Heaven has granted him prophetic insightful knowledge of God’s word, and showed him the covenant platform and his redemption blessings. Heaven has granted him the ability to see the unprotected forehead of his Goliath. Hear me, Uncommon Favor is not about CLASS but CHRIST, it is not about GRADE but GRACE of GOD. Uncommon Favor is not about DEGREE but GOD’S DECREE. You can be CLASSMATES but not Favourmates. And the bible says “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52. May you increase in favour with God and man
Right where you are, favour is the prerequisite for outstanding life. To find favor from God is the proof that God is with you. Uncommon favor also releases the blessings of God. The only thing that can place you above your peers and enemies is uncommon favour and not your beauty or your intelligence. Joseph found such favor before God and Portifer his master to the extent that even in prison he was in charge of every thing. “So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority” Gen. 39:4. Uncommon favour can be provoked into manifestation! You can command God’s divine stamp of authority, approval, acceptability and endorsement! Favour is the divine perfume that no satanic odour can quench; it is the flavour of God upon a man that makes even his enemies to savour his being; it invokes likeness and attraction. Therefore, I decree, just as the bees get attracted to honey and the ants to sugar, so shall men of substance be attracted to you this season!
Heaven has never failed to react any time it is provoked to show up. Your actions have the ability to either provoke God to anger or provoke Him to bless you. Let me add that, the type of reactions you get from heaven is all determined by you! Heaven responded to Solomon in a way it has never responded to anyone before and Solomon saw uncommon favour extraordinary. This favour placed him ahead and above all kings that ever ruled in Israel or Judah. Therefore, every committed partner has by grace entered into the realm of Solomon type of favour and this awesomely awesome God I serve, shall favour you in grand style.
What was the secret, why would God single out a man for a level of exceptional favour which no one has ever enjoyed? The scripture reveals that God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:34, Solomon at the very beginning of his reign discovered the secrets of provoking heaven for uncommon favour, he engaged the right keys, and that was why heaven responded in a special way!
Number One: Love the Lord- The scripture says, And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father. 1 Kings 3:3. How much do you love the Lord? “So he answered and said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind” Luke 10:27. You cannot provoke the uncommon favour of God in your life and business if you don’t love the Lord. Solomon engaged to unlock heaven for uncommon favour was his love for God. His burnt offering of thousands was unusual; before him, it’s not on record that anyone has ever offered burnt offerings of thousands to God! The motivation for such offering was his love for God. It was this love that actually propelled him to give in a dimension that no one has done before. Love is a very strong force that drives a man to go the extra mile for God; a man that is propelled by love for God will never consider any sacrifice too much to make for Him! There’s no way you can provoke heaven for uncommon favour if you are the type that does not put God first in all things. Your love for God is demonstrated in the way you handle your relationship with Him. If other things have taken the place of God in your heart so much that you have pushed God to the back seat in your plans, thoughts, considerations, dreams, aspirations and pursuits in life, there’s no way heaven can release uncommon favour upon you. Uncommon favour gets attracted to you once God is attracted to you; when you deeply love the Lord, He will be attracted to you. Any offering or sacrifices offered to God while you yourself are far from and rebellious against God, are worthless and useless!
Number Two: Uniqueness of Your Offering: It is on record that men have never given God more than what he requested before now. Solomon was a record breaker. Anytime you desire to move forward and to do things that will amaze those around you, you will be connected to uncommon favour. Heaven released favour upon Solomon after he gave a unique offering by size. Everything Solomon gave to the Lord was given in thousands: a thousand ram, a thousand oxen, a thousand sheep, all things in thousands! Solomon’s sacrifice was the first of its kind, it was ground-breaking! Since he gave to God in a dimension nobody has ever done, God also responded to him in a way He has not responded to anyone before! Wide and permanent doors were opened in heaven upon Solomon so much that he experienced unceasing harvests and uncommon favour throughout the years he reigned as king. The size of your seeds will determine the size of your harvests! According to 2 Corinthians 9:6, he who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. There’s no limit to the harvest heaven can deliver to you, it’s the size of your seeds however that determines the size of harvests you receive. One of the indisputable laws of harvest is that bountiful harvests always follow generous sowing just as day follows night! God cannot be mocked, to provoke uncommon favour, your offerings and services to God and His kingdom must be extra ordinary. If you’re not willing to do beyond what you are doing at the moment, you may never provoke heaven to release uncommon favour. It is possible for you to change your level by increasing the level of your commitment to God. If you want to experience great harvests of blessings and favour, simply do more for God.
Number Three: Set Right Priorities: It must be emphasized that you can walk in the realm of uncommon favour only if you set your priorities right. Solomon certainly had need of several things, but when the Lord placed an open cheque before him, all he asked for was God’s wisdom. Of a truth wisdom is the principal thing and Christ is the wisdom of God! Those who pursue riches and good things of the world at the expense of God are unwise, they can never be satisfied in life, in fact they usually live and die miserable! To keep the doors of uncommon favour permanently opened upon your life, you must place God where He belongs, the very centre of your life. Once God has taken His place in your life and you maintain a strong relationship with Him, you will not fall out of favour.
Number Four: The Anointing- In this generation of Apostolic impartation, you need the anointing in good measure to provoke Uncommon favour. Anointing is the Grace and concentrated presence of God working in a man that produces outstanding Luke 4:18-20. By obtaining and partaking in the anointing, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper as recorded in Isaiah 10:27. It takes favour for yokes to be broken. I decree, today is the day that the burden placed upon your life and destiny will be taken away from your shoulder. The yoke of stagnation and failure and unfruitfulness from your neck by uncommon favour shall be taken away.
Finally, many people actually began their journey well with God and as a result enjoyed His favour, but somehow somewhere, they missed it. It is a terrible thing to fall out of favour with God, and that is the reason you must immediately return to Him for restoration. The flavour of favour is spiced with mercy! Therefore, it is possible for you to experience uncommon favour everyday of your life if you know how to provoke God to actions! God is saying “And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty” Exodus 3: 21. A touch of uncommon favour by God upon your life can make the difference; it can liberate you from poverty to prosperity; from rejection to celebration; from nobody to somebody; from bareness to fruitfulness; from disappointment to appointment; from joblessness to an employer of labour. Favour is not a product of skills, endowment or hard work; when favour comes, it overtakes and suspends labour; favour minimises labour; a day of favour is far better than a lifetime of labour; it is good to work hard but it is best to be divinely connected to uncommon favour. I see the favour of God coming your way; may it work for you night and day, in and out of season.
Before I share testimonies and the concluding prayer. Please ignore fake profiles of Uma Ukpai Breakthrough Prayer.. We dont have Ophanages.
Testimony Time

DrCI wrote
Welcome to the month of July. may you be favoured. After my healing. I decided to call members who have problems and to my amazement, God did wonders. To him be all Glory and Honour
Concluding Prayer of Provoking Uncommon Favour: Awesomely Awesome God, thank you for showing me how to provoke you to favour me. By the unction of this commission, I break loose from failure, unfruitfulness and lack. I receive power to disgrace long-standing problems by uncommon favour. I receive Power to disgrace stagnancy and power to be the head and not the tail in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.
Prayer School
Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade already in planning Aug 7th-9th, 2020. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to info@thecomfortzone.se to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name
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Amen and Amen
Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus
I received uncommon favour in JESUS name I pray Amen and Amen
Amen thank you Jesus for your faithfulness!
Amen thank you Jesus my Lord and personal saviour Jesus Christ you’re great and everything written about you is great my awesomely awesome God l bow down before your throne.
Amen father look on me and have Mercy in the name of Jesus Amen
Amen oooooooooooooooooooooo
Lord Jesus let your revelations to me since March,2019 to date be fulfilled this month July,2020 in Jesus Christ mighty name, amen and hallelujah.
So much blessed more grace sir
Amen Amen Amen Aaaaaaaameeeeeen Aaaameeeen Amen