Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, the Year of Promotion and Lifting, the month of Solutions, and the Season of Miracles. Watch motivating and soul enriching messages at www.youtube.com/umaukpai And follow us on Facebook

Declaration for April: In this month of Hope, I shall see past impossibility turn into present and future possibilities. Though I work through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord shall keep me safe and secured. I shall fear no evil. My eyes shall only behold the calamity of the wicked. As I maintain my partnership with God, no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. I shall flourish like palm trees and grow tall like the cedars in Lebanon. Throughout this month, I shall be exempted from every virus and sickness. I receive breakthrough to long outstanding issues in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Weekly Partners Declaration: This week, in spite of the global economic meltdown and health crisis in the world today, I receive Divine Sustenance over my health and finances. Whatever I shall lay my hands to do in isolation beginning this week shall openly prosper. I decree, every confrontation with any witch or wizard siting on my destiny shall land in my favour. They shall be crushed. As I partner with this commission, my comeback this 2020 shall be greater than my 2019 setback in Jesus name, Amen.
Bible Study: Preparation for Kingdom Dominion
Concluding Prayer
Worship song for Today: What do You believe in
Prayer School
NOTICE Daddy Uma Ukpai books are available to download by committed partners or purchase. Send us a mail to connect
Daily Wisdom Devotion: Preparation for Kingdom Dominion
Luke 22:8-9, 1 John 2:27, Isaiah 11:2, 1 Cor 15:58, Psalm 24:8, Exodus 14:14, Matthew 27:52, Isaiah 42:9, Deuteronomy 28:13, Acts 9:5, Luke. 1:45, Hebrews 11:1, Acts 3:5-6
Men and Brethren, Jesus commanded the Apostles to prepare a place to have the passover, where the lamp must be killed. It was a Preparation for Kingdom Dominion Luke 22:8-9. Anointing Prepares You for Dominion and how to succeed in life according to 1 John 2:27. No man can function for long without divine backing. The bible also says in Isaiah 11:2 there is a list of seven spirits of God that are in Jesus…and since Jesus is in YOU there is a basis for you to confess that you have EACH of these spirits of God in your recreated human spirit. It means that God will give you His counsel on every situation, if the enemy pushes back, your mind and emotions will be fortified by the “spirit of might” so you do not waiver. The spirit of MIGHT will enable you to experience what Paul described in Ephesians as making you immovable. “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, IMMOVABLE, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1 Cor 15:58). Jesus death was not in vain, I declare your own work shall deliver your Kingdom privileges in Jesus name, Amen
The Psalmist declares “Who is the King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, The LORD mighty in battle” Psalm 24:8. This is a prophetic word concerning Jesus death and the forces he fought to grant us dominance. Moses said to the people of Israel in Exodus 14:14 “The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.” See, your problem may have lasted and flowed over to this April 2020, but they are not everlasting. Therefore, I urge you to be expectant of divine intervention from The Lord Mighty in Battle because you have the Anointing that guarantees full Preparation for Kingdom Dominion. You must realize that the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. Stop analyzing the mockery and the accusations of yesterday and last year because Jesus has risen, you are not permitted to be in the grave. Matthew 27:52. You have risen to command blessings and no witch or wizard will take you back to the pit in Jesus name.
This covenant season, there is something that will happen to you that will make you forget about your pains of yesterday because God wants you to live on the New Revelation of His promises with expectation and realization of the Next Level of Authority. Here me, expectation gives you advanced picture of what is to happen. It can be defined as the vision of the mind. Expectation is the working power of God’s Spirit in your conscience. There is harvest of multiplied blessings and promotion set aside for you this year of double twenty and heaven has issued the command for your miracles to come to pass. Therefore, anything can happen anytime because the revelation of God works in the now. You need wisdom to bring what the doctors say concerning your health to what God says, “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. (Isaiah 42:9). Someone here is breaking forth beginning today.
Destiny is not driven by human expectation only but by the Teachings and leading of the Anointing. It is also driven by divine revelation, If you know the revelation of God, you will know where you are and where you are going. When God is saying, “Behold”, He is saying, “See, this is my plan” Deuteronomy 28:13. He has already perfected it and expected to deliver it to any panting soul”. If there is nothing God expected you to see, He would not have said, “Behold.” As long as you are still breathing, nobody can write you off. You are more relevant than your problems and your disappointments. Declare with me, I shall bounce back to victory because I have the Anointing that has guaranteed my Preparation for Kingdom Dominion.
Right where you are, every miracle thinker who allows the Anointing to Teach him or more daily is a Commander of the Miraculous. Therefore, expectation is provoked by the production of hope through the word of God in our conscience. God wants you to show commitment to your expectation. You express commitment to the hope that is conceived when you receive the word of God. That is to say, if I expect a child, I should go shopping for children cloths. If I expect God to supernaturally provide for me, I should first sow like Solomon and see God take over my finances. This God we serve is watching the way you are moderating your life. Every wise man considers a family and the kingdom before considering any other thing. Correct your ways and your lifestyle and God will give you another chance. God said to Paul, “It is hard for you to work against your conscience” Acts 9:5. When we change our attitude, God will change our condition. It is possible to manifest your expectations sooner than you expect it when you show commitment in your covenant walk with God. Today, as a partner receive your seasonal blessings in Jesus name.
Faith without Expectation Is Dead and True faith is tough, practical, and realistic. Expectation and faith, though alike, are not identical Hebrews 11:1. Moreover, True faith is never found alone; it is always accompanied by expectation. The man who believes the promises of God expects to see them fulfilled. Where there is no expectation there is no faith! I speak to those who have sown seeds of expectation for a miracle from this commission, God will answer you in grand style in Jesus name.
It is, however, quite possible for expectation to be present where no faith is (Acts 3:5-6). “By faith we know” is the word that lifts our knowing onto a higher level. Faith engages facts that have been revealed from heaven and by their nature they do not respond to scientific tests. “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Luke. 1:45, KJV).
Every great movement of God in history, every unusual advance in the Church, every revival, has been preceded by a sense of keen anticipation because they have the Anointing that Prepares them for Dominion, and they were Expecting to Win. Expectation accompanied the operations of the Spirit always and Spiritual Leadership. His bestowals hardly surprised His people because they were gazing expectantly toward the risen Lord and looking confidently for His word to be fulfilled. His blessings accorded with their expectations.
We need today a fresh spirit of anticipation of Spiritual Leadership that springs out of the promises of God and see the Mighty God of war fights our battles. We must declare war on the mood of non-expectation, and come together with childlike faith that positions us and for Preparation for Kingdom Dominion. Only then can we know again the beauty and wonder of the Lord’s presence among us. Therefore, if you want to recover and overtake whatever the ‘chief thief’ and his agents have stolen from you last year and this year, then you must first turn to the Awesomely Awesome God. Nothing is too late for Him, He can bring you up from the deepest pit and carry you with electrifying speed to the highest peak, if you can cry for His mercy and for His forgiveness. I see you connected to miracle of today and nothing will stop your blessings. Let me share these testimonies before the concluding prayer.
Testimony Time
Ngozika wrote
Good evening Daddy, thank you so much sir, for your time, your blessings upon me, the prayers both mentioned and not mentioned, I acknowledge all, thank you Daddy, I am grateful, my testimony as at today is that the pains in my stomach has stopped yesterday; this pains started after the miscarriage November 2018, God has taken away my pains. Thank you so much sir, Thank you Jesus for your healing power Amen
Concluding Prayer of Preparation for Kingdom Dominion: Awesomely awesome God, you sent your son to die for me that my sins will be forgiven. Jesus death is my Preparation for Kingdom Dominion so that my future will be colourful and powerful. Therefore, I receive wisdom and favour to run into intended blessings, kingly favours and unlimited grace in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.
Prayer School
Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade already in planning Aug 7th-9th, 2020. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to info@thecomfortzone.se to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name
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Father Lord I thank you for your word today Lord I pray you give me a notable and visible miracle this year in Jesus name amen
Amen oooooooooooooooooooooo
Amen thank you Jesus my Lord and personal saviour Jesus Christ you’re great and everything written about you is great my awesomely awesome God l bow down before your throne.
Amen 3
Amen thank you Jesus for your faithfulness!
Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏 in Jesus Name