Daily Devotional: Mar. 04-’25: Planted by the rivers of water

Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, Our Year of  All Things Are Possible, the Month of Victory March, a season where Heaven will make the impossible possible and crown my efforts with success and breakthroughs. 2025 shall be a year of uncommon favour and it shall be the Season of Unlimited Harvest. Follow us on Facebook and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/TheComfortZonese/videos  https://www.facebook.coam/TheComfortZone.se 

Declaration for March: Father God, I boldly declare March as my Month of Victory March—a season where no devil will stop my advancement to glory. By Your divine authority, I step into new realms of favour, influence, and supernatural opportunities beyond my imagination. I decree that my name shall be synonymous with excellence, and I will walk in divine favour in unexpected and uncommon places. This month, I march forward in unstoppable joy, unshakable peace, and extraordinary victories. Every barrier before me shall crumble, doors of opportunity shall swing open, and I shall experience multiplied blessings and divine promotion. By faith, I declare it, I receive it, and I march victoriously! In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, Amen

Weekly Partners Declaration: This week is my week of divine turnaround and a change of story! Every sickness, virus, and affliction must bow to the mighty name of Jesus—they shall have no power over me! I decree that God’s unrelenting favour will follow me everywhere I go. Destiny helpers—both known and unknown—shall rise to fight my battles! Every obstacle thrown at me shall be transformed into a stepping stone for my greatness. I walk in victory, breakthrough, and divine acceleration. This is my week of undeniable testimonies! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! 🔥🙏✨. 


Bible Study: Planted by the rivers of water

Concluding Prayer

Worship song for Today: What do You believe in 

Prayer School

Daily Wisdom Devotion: Planted by the rivers of water

Psalm 1:3,  Matt 27:46,  Matt 26:39, 2 Pet 3:11, 2 Pet 1:5-11, Psalm 43:5, 2 Kings 20:1-3

Men and brethren, the man or woman who can walk in the sea, and walk in the storm and walk through the fire is the man or woman Planted by the rivers of water; such person will walk with his or her head high in the midst of problems, unfavourable circumstances and pains of life and still come out successful. I speak to someone today, even though doctors may have given up on you, God will grant you a miracle. God shall visit you this season with your expected miracle in Jesus name.

When Jesus shouted at his ninth hour of spiritual and physical loneliness before giving up the human strength, the devil taught now the battle is over.  Matt 27:46. There was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour: this cry came out of that darkness. The darkness was expected even when he prayed for the cup to pass him by but the cup did not Matt 26:39. The darkness was so strong that it tried to cloud the Sun of Righteousness. It was a centre of impenetrable gloom, where the soul is ready to faint because of the terrible darkness. Is anyone here passing through what Jesus went through, You shall rise again. 

He had reached the culminating point of his suffering. Here the wormwood and the irritation, and all the other bitterness, are outdone. Here you are may look as into a vast void; and though you strain your eyes, and gaze till sight fails you, yet you perceive no bottom; it is measureless, unfathomable, and inconceivable. This anguish of the Saviour on your behalf and mine is no more to be measured and weighed than the sin which needed it, or the love which endured it. We will adore where we cannot comprehend.

What manner of people ought we to be? What measure of love ought we to return to one who bore the utmost penalty, that we might he delivered from the wrath to come? 2 Pet 3:11, 2 Pet 1:5-11.

Grief of mind is harder to bear than pain of body. You can pluck up courage and endure the stitch of sickness and pain, so long as the spirit is hale and brave; but if the soul itself be touched, and the mind becomes diseased with distress, then every pain is increased in severity, and there is nothing with which to sustain it.

Do you know that spiritual sorrows are the worst of mental miseries?  This is one of the reason we have the comfort zone. This is a place where hope is generated as a catalyst in the midst of a failing economy and a disillusioned world. Here, you will find solace, comfort, advice, ideas and inspiration that will move you to the next level in life. Inspiration will help you to dance, even when the night is dark and the shadows are closing in. Our problems is that we don’t take time consistently to read the articles, and give yourself permission to dream and to remember because all the inspiration in the world is not enough to make you take your life to the next level until you take action because it takes inspired action to bring about an astounding victory. I decree, whatever you are going through shall end in praise. 

Sometimes when things are going differently, when our mind is speaking in contrary to the mind of God; we should do like David, who had a discussion with himself, and he enquires, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him.” Psalm 43:5

King Hezekiah was sick unto death even though his ways are clean before God 2 Kings 20:1-3. Most time, because of the fear of death and sickness we take extreme measure to avoid death. We start to say Lord I have been doing everything that you want me to do. I have been going to Bible Study and Church on Sunday Morning, I have been singing in the choir, why am I going through this. I have been giving my tithe and offering, why am I suffering in the midst of financial abundance. It is time that if you want an unusual blessing then you should sow and unusual seed. If you want a crazy breakthrough then sow a crazy type of seed and command God by his words and see your breakthrough manifest. You shall testify.

Our Awesomely Awesome God did not abandon King Hezekiah because He is in control. He sent back His prophet to the King “Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.’ ” God is speaking to someone hear with the same Power. He will defend you and heal our land from every virus. We shall testify.

I stand as an oracle of God this morning to make a decree that it’s not over until GOD says it’s over in your life. Therefore, when you face impossibility, when you face a challenge, when you face something that’s too big for you that’s GOD opportunity to perform a miracle and do the impossible. That problem is there for you to witness signs and wonders. I declare you to be loosed from whatever that holds you bound, be loosed from your sickness be loosed from your depression, be loosed from your limiting beliefs, be loosed from your financial burdens.

Boy Oh Boy, That sickness is not unto death but for the Glory of GOD. Your problems are not going to destroy you but for the Glory of GOD. They are talking about you but it’s not going to destroy you but it is for the Glory of GOD. Your finances are bouncing back. Remember it is not through your power that you are going to get out of your situations but it is through the wonderworking power of GOD. You must press on, pray more, give more, march on, sing more and celebrate more because it is not over till it is over and Heaven has Planted you by the rivers of water. 

Let me share these testimonies before the concluding prayer.

Testimony Time

So much to thank God for this new month of March- the Month of our Victory March, a season where no devil will stop my advancement to glory. I step into realms of influence and favour. Send in your testimony and Vow. Note Comment section deactivated because some hackers were using it to cause problem for the site. Please use the Facebook for comments and messages. see top for links

Concluding Prayer of Planted by the rivers of water: My Dearest, Awesomely Awesome God, I adore You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Make me like a tree planted by the rivers of water, where no dry season shall separate me from You. Lord, hide me and my loved ones under the shadow of Your wings, breathe Your divine fragrance upon me, and surround me with uncommon favour today. Father, show me Your glory and elevate me to new heights in this season. In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen!🔥🙏✨

Prayer School

Awesomely Awesome God, thank You for bringing me to a new decade, new month and a new Season of dramatic change of story. I announce, all through the month of March 2025, it shall be the Month of Victory March, a season where no devil will stop my advancement to glory. I step into realms of influence and favour. Whatever is preventing my breakthrough shall not escape the visitation of Heaven this month. I declare, no more losses, no more stagnation, no more bus-stop because I shall witness the power of resurrection in the name of Jesus. I shall be enthroned and celebrated everywhere I go and experience a consistent growth, supernatural break forth and multiples of favour in all areas of life. It shall be stagnation, sickness free and crisis free month, poverty shall miss my dwelling and all my mockers shall dance and sing for me during my testimony time in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, I declare that I am a favoured child of my Father God, therefore I shall not fail in life in Jesus’ name. No witch or wizard will truncate my destiny. Father God, my desire this March 2025 shall come to pass as I draw closer to You for my empowerment. Bless my vow. Teach me how to have a relationship with You in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with You in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace. Make me a change maker, result-oriented believer, business maker and career maker in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father, release Your anointing in all the places this commission shall be ministering. Grant us wisdom and financial increase to make things happen. Father, through the spoken word continually heal the sick, save the lost and release the Power to raise the dead in Jesus’ name.

Father Bless Daddy Uma Ukpai with wisdom and increase his anointing. Bless the wife and the children. Bless Prof. CI and anoint him as he plans and host another One-Million-Man crusade, Uyo Miracle Convention 2025, and grant them both the grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry You committed into their hands. Bless all the staff of the Comfortzone and UUEA.

Father, I stand to pray for my nation, Nigeria (Pray for your nation). Lord, visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years. Father, Heal our land. grant us caring leaders, leaders with vision and those who know what to do by Your wisdom in Jesus’ name. Awesomely Awesome God, I declare that I am blessed and fruitful. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability, and financial stability; whatever I shall lay hands to do this March 2025 shall prosper in Jesus’ name.

Father, I am trusting You to whisper words of wisdom to my heart or put the resources in my path to help my family get back on track. For what You bring together no man can put asunder, I declare this in the deepest depths of my heart and am trusting Your guidance. My marriage shall see opens door and favour this season. My marriage shall be heaven on earth without stagnation. Therefore, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this March 2025, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, let Your mighty hand of favour uphold me in all my endeavours. You made a promise that if I pay my tithes and my first fruits, You will take away sickness and calamity and poverty from me and bless me beyond measures. Lord, as I give this month of March 2025 to support Your work, I will not die like chicken, my family members will not die like cows. As I key into this revelation of financial wonder to be a consistent payer and giver especially this March 2025, let my blessings be manifested in grand style in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, restore to me everything the enemy had taken from me in the past years, restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction in Jesus’ name. The evil that happened in the country will not happen again in Jesus’ name

Father, You know the areas in my life where I need breakthrough. Help me to have patience amidst the highs and lows and the discernment to hear Your voice regarding the steps I need to take. Help me to draw closer to You on this journey and to trust that You will release my breakthrough in Your perfect timing. Therefore, Lord, turn my curses to blessing. Give me a notable and visible miracle this March 2025. I Break the curse of stagnation and let my place of abode turn into a blessing in Jesus’ name.

Father, enlarge my coast. Enlarge my opportunity to utilize my ability and enlarge me with more useful friends, customers, and associates as destiny helpers in Jesus’ name.

Father, Anoint me and announce me with divine presence daily this March 2025, and give me daily result in my entire endeavour. Renew Your covenant of life with me. Keep and preserve me from all manner of evil invention and powers, in Jesus’ name. Father, make me a giver and show me Your glory this March 2025, the way You showed King Solomon as I support this commission in hosting UYO miracle Convention 2025 to win souls for Your kingdom and to heal our land. Grant me a residence in the place of vision and actualization. Make me a partaker in the place of intercession and promote me in a new way today. Let the Heavens be open continually on my demand and let the eagle in me come alive today and begin to fly in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father God, my declaration today and all through this March 2025 is covered by the blood of  Jesus and in partnership with your servants, I have overcome the devil, my Red Sea, my problems by your blood and by my declaration in Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Written by DrCI

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Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade planning. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to info@thecomfortzone.se to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name

If you need to speak to the Comfortzone Pastor DrCI send email to info@thecomfortzone.se or send inbox message to the Comfortzone Facebook page. www.facebook.com/TheComfortZone.se/. May God increase your favour