Daily Devotion: Outstanding Grace: July 12-’23

Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, Our Year of Unlimited Possibilities, the month of Clear Distinctions, 2023 shall enlist us as Partakers of the blessings of Abraham, and it shall be the Season of Unlimited Harvest. Follow us on bublr, Facebook and Youtube https://bublr.page.link/hFCtK1xkSDoWT8e1 https://www.youtube.com/c/TheComfortZonese/videos  https://www.facebook.com/TheComfortZone.se 

Declaration for July: Father God, all through the month of July 2023, everything will turnaround for me with clear distinctions. Therefore, by my commitment and engagement with this commission, I will never lack ideas. What others struggle for will run after me. My story will be the next success story to be told in Jesus name. Amen.

Weekly Partners Declaration: I Prophesy, this week is the beginning of unexplainable blessings in my life. My struggles are over. As I partner with this commission, wherever I have been harassed, I will begin to dominate in Jesus name! Amen. 


Bible Study: Outstanding Grace

Concluding Prayer

Worship song for Today: What do You believe in?

Prayer School

Daily Wisdom Devotion: Outstanding Grace

Colossians 3:16, John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Genesis 2:8, Psalm 91:7, Matthew 5:13-16

Men and brethren, it is dwelling in the Outstanding Grace of God that justifies and qualifies us to command attention, command exploit on earth and eventually glorifies us in heaven. It also grants us supernatural commanding victory over all our enemies. We know that the grace for higher level is grace for champions and Grace for Dominion. Even though we don’t deserve it but God has given it to us through Jesus. Therefore, we grow in grace by reading God’s Word and letting it “dwell in us richly” (Colossians 3:16) and by praying. Let me quickly say that to grow in grace does not mean gaining more grace from God. The reason is because God’s grace never increases; it is infinite, it cannot be more, and according to the nature of God, it could never be less. He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him should be saved (John 3:16). How much more grace could there possibly be than that? But to grow in grace is to grow in our understanding of what Jesus did and to grow in our appreciation of the grace we have been given. The more we learn about Jesus, the more we will appreciate all He has done, and the more we appreciate His love and sacrifice for us, the more we will perceive the never-ending grace of God.

Apostle Paul in writing to the Church in Corinth did say, ‘For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” 2 Corinthians 8:9. He understood that, great talkers are not always the best doers; but these Corinthians were diligent to do, as well as to know and talk well. To all these good things the apostle desires them to add this grace also, to abound in charity to the poor so that they can have The Outstanding Grace that Commands Attention. The best arguments for Christian duties, are drawn from the grace and love of Christ. Though he was rich, as being God, equal in power and glory with the Father, yet he not only became man for us, but became poor also. At length he emptied himself, as it were, to ransom their souls by his sacrifice on the cross. From what riches, blessed Lord, to what poverty didst thou descend for our sakes! and to what riches hast thou advanced us through thy poverty! It is our happiness to be wholly at thy disposal. Therefore, where you were born and where you are now, are too weak to determine your destiny. What determines destiny really is who you are in God because his Outstanding Grace is sufficient for every good works. God does not bring forth what He has no plan and provision for. This is why He created the earth and all the provision thereof before creating man. Genesis 2:8. Divine plan and provision precede the birth and placement in life. I speak to someone here the grace of God shall locate you and also locate your destiny helper to appear in your direction. I see you transported to Outstanding Grace level for your supernatural delivery of everything God has kept for you in Jesus name.

Friends, success or breakthrough in life is not a function of what you get from people but your covenant walk with God. Walking with God is the only foundation of a good and glorious destiny. It does not matter to God when and how you take off. Abraham took off late, but he made his mark. Your take off point in God is your morning. Please do all that is within your ability to retrace your steps to his grace, He alone is the Way, the truth and the Life. When you encounter His grace you become a Champion of purpose operating with The Outstanding Grace that Commands Attention.

God’s immunity means divine preservation. You become preserved from decay and evil. I don’t know how old you are, I don’t care the pronouncement of the witches or wizard from your village against you but I say to you for the rest of your life, God’s anointing for immunity shall rest upon you because you are now enlisted to operate with The Outstanding Grace that Commands Attention.

Every desire of the righteous has ability in the anointing to work out a divine purpose. And none of these desires can be late.” The desire of the righteous is never late. When the world is concluding that it is late, it implies that the Lord is still working it out. Outstanding Grace works when all hope is faded and gone. I want you to know that God is working in you to bring about His will for your life. You are no longer in the will of the evil ones, you are no longer in the will of your fathers or your mothers but you are in the will of your Saviour. He has saved you and redeemed you He has saved you and given you His anointing with the ability to work out your salvation in His plan for you.

Your identity as a child of God on Outstanding Grace level demands that you live a life of faith. God cannot fear anything and anything that God cannot fear, you are not permitted to fear. The Bible tells me that whatsoever I bind shall be bound and whatsoever I loose shall be loosed. Grace says I have been saved. Grace says I have victory; it says, Christ, lives in me. Outstanding Grace says, I have the answer. Outstanding Grace says though a thousand shall fall by my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me (Psalm 91:7). Outstanding Grace says that God is watching over me to keep me from all afflictions. I know who I am; I am the light of God, I am a bearer of God’s light on earth; I am a child of God. I am the salt of the world; I am the light of the world. The Bible says about Jesus, that in him was light and the light was the light of men. (Matthew 5:13-16). And in the midst of the darkness, the Bible says I shall shine like a light and I will continue to shine as a light. I say to you child of God, you have the answer; you are the answer. Declare aloud, I am the answer that the world is waiting for! You are positioned in that school, in that career to make a generational impact. Therefore, the reason why the enemy is confronting us is because we are the light of God, so the devil is attacking our light but the more God’s word settles in us, the more we shine forth. You are one of the divine agents planted on earth to dismantle the activities of hell and no demon or devil can kill you. I decree today, you shall live and not die, you shall live to fulfill the numbers of your days, in Jesus name. Don’t allow any man to come in between you and God, just stay tall in the covenant because the glory of God is coming your way in this season of manifestation.

The weapon of God has their strategy in God and we are connected to Him by Outstanding Grace. This Grace for higher level and commanders is summarized below:

Number One: Salvation by His grace

Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 3:4-7, 2 Corinthians 8:9

Number Two: By His grace we minister to others

Acts 4:33, Colossians 1:27-29, Colossians 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 9:8

Number Three: Enduring hardships by His grace

Hebrews 4:16, Philippians 4:11-13, Acts 20:24, 2 Corinthians 4:7-11, Isaiah 61:10-11, 1 Peter 1:3-10, Philippians 4:19, 1 Timothy 1:14-17, 2 Timothy 1:8-9

Number Four: Victory by His grace

Ephesians 3:20-21, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:28, Acts 20:32, John 1:14-17, Philippians 1:3-7, 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 1 Timothy 1:2, and Revelation 22:20-21

It is only a man or woman that is hungry that can have value for food. People that come to this forum without an expectation are not hungry. Don’t come to this commission and return remaining the same without a change. Say to yourself, there is a spiritual cup in my hands and my expectation is that the Lord will fill the cup to its fullness with the anointing and the anointing will run over and the anointing will grant me Outstanding Grace to become a champion. Let me say that if you are not filled to the overflow you cannot help your family or anybody. Christ is the one that is working in you both to do of His will for your life. Pray and you will be abundantly supplied by his grace. I decree, no one under this commission in this teaching that shall live any longer under the will of the enemy. I prophesy, you shall live in the will of God not in the will of man. You shall make it in life and you shall succeed in life because heaven has today declared you a Grace Commander with full measure of Outstanding Grace that Commands Attention. Amen

Let me share these testimonies before the concluding prayer.

Testimony Time

So much to thank God for. Send in your testimony and Vow. Note Comment section deactivated because some hackers were using it to cause problem for the site. Please use the Facebook for comments and messages. see top for links

Concluding Prayer of Outstanding Grace: My Dearest Awesomely awesome God, I thank you for enlisting me with your Outstanding Grace that Commands Attention and with the ability to do the impossible. I thank you that I am enriched in everything by You in all utterance and in all knowledge, so that I shall lack nothing. LORD, let your Outstanding Grace catapult me today to the level where I shall have supernatural commanding victory in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen. 

Prayer School

Awesomely Awesome God, thank You for bringing me to a new decade, new month and a new Season of Glorification. I announce, all through the month of July 2023, it shall be the month of Clear Distinctions. Whatever is preventing my breakthrough shall not escape the visitation of Heaven this month. I declare, no more losses, no more stagnation because I shall witness the power of resurrection in the name of Jesus. I shall be enthroned and celebrated everywhere I go and experience a consistent growth, supernatural break forth and multiples of favour in all areas of life. It shall be stagnation, sickness free and crisis free month, poverty shall miss my dwelling and all my mockers shall dance and sing for me during my testimony time in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, I declare that I am a favoured child of my Father God, therefore I shall not fail in life in Jesus’ name. No witch or wizard will truncate my destiny. Father God, my desire this July 2023 shall come to pass as I draw closer to You for my empowerment. Bless my vow. Teach me how to have a relationship with You in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with You in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace. Make me a change maker, result-oriented believer, business maker and career maker in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father, release Your anointing in all the places this commission shall be ministering. Grant us wisdom and financial increase to make things happen. Father, through the spoken word continually heal the sick, save the lost and release the Power to raise the dead in Jesus’ name.

Father Bless Daddy Uma Ukpai with wisdom and increase his anointing. Bless the wife and the children. Bless DrCI and anoint him as he plans and host another One-Million-Man crusade, Uyo Miracle Convention 2023, and grant them both the grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry You committed into their hands. Bless all the staff of the Comfortzone and UUEA.

Father, I stand to pray for my nation, Nigeria (Pray for your nation). Lord, visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years. Father, Heal our land. grant us caring leaders, leaders with vision and those who know what to do by Your wisdom in Jesus’ name. Awesomely Awesome God, I declare that I am blessed and fruitful. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability, and financial stability; whatever I shall lay hands to do this July 2023 shall prosper in Jesus’ name.

Father, I am trusting You to whisper words of wisdom to my heart or put the resources in my path to help my family get back on track. For what You bring together no man can put asunder, I declare this in the deepest depths of my heart and am trusting Your guidance. My marriage shall see opens door and favour this season. My marriage shall be heaven on earth without stagnation. Therefore, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this July 2023, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, let Your mighty hand of favour uphold me in all my endeavours. You made a promise that if I pay my tithes and my first fruits, You will take away sickness and calamity and poverty from me and bless me beyond measures. Lord, as I give this month of July 2023 to support Your work, I will not die like chicken, my family members will not die like cows. As I key into this revelation of financial wonder to be a consistent payer and giver especially this July 2023, let my blessings be manifested in grand style in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, restore to me everything the enemy had taken from me in the past years, restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction in Jesus’ name. The evil that happened in the country will not happen again in Jesus’ name

Father, You know the areas in my life where I need breakthrough. Help me to have patience amidst the highs and lows and the discernment to hear Your voice regarding the steps I need to take. Help me to draw closer to You on this journey and to trust that You will release my breakthrough in Your perfect timing. Therefore, Lord, turn my curses to blessing. Give me a notable and visible miracle this July 2023. I Break the curse of stagnation and let my place of abode turn into a blessing in Jesus’ name.

Father, enlarge my coast. Enlarge my opportunity to utilize my ability and enlarge me with more useful friends, customers, and associates as destiny helpers in Jesus’ name.

Father, Anoint me and announce me with divine presence daily this July 2023, and give me daily result in my entire endeavour. Renew Your covenant of life with me. Keep and preserve me from all manner of evil invention and powers, in Jesus’ name. Father, make me a giver and show me Your glory this July 2023, the way You showed King Solomon as I support this commission in hosting UYO miracle Convention 2023 to win souls for Your kingdom and to heal our land. Grant me a residence in the place of vision and actualization. Make me a partaker in the place of intercession and promote me in a new way today. Let the Heavens be open continually on my demand and let the eagle in me come alive today and begin to fly in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father God, my declaration today and all through this July 2023 is covered by the blood of  Jesus and in partnership with your servants, I have overcome the devil, my Red Sea, my problems by your blood and by my declaration in Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Written by DrCI

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If you need to speak to the Comfortzone Pastor DrCI send email to info@thecomfortzone.se or send inbox message to the Comfortzone Facebook page. www.facebook.com/TheComfortZone.se/. May God increase your favour