Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, the Year of Promotion and Lifting, the month of Solutions, and the Season of Miracles. Watch motivating and soul enriching messages at www.youtube.com/umaukpai And follow us on Facebook

Declaration for April: In this month of Hope, I shall see past impossibility turn into present and future possibilities. Though I work through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord shall keep me safe and secured. I shall fear no evil. My eyes shall only behold the calamity of the wicked. As I maintain my partnership with God, no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. I shall flourish like palm trees and grow tall like the cedars in Lebanon. Throughout this month, I shall be exempted from every virus and sickness. I receive breakthrough to long outstanding issues in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Weekly Partners Declaration: This week, in spite of the global economic meltdown and health crisis in the world today, I receive Divine Sustenance over my health and finances. Whatever I shall lay my hands to do in isolation beginning this week shall openly prosper. I decree, every confrontation with any witch or wizard siting on my destiny shall land in my favour. They shall be crushed. As I partner with this commission, my comeback this 2020 shall be greater than my 2019 setback in Jesus name, Amen.
Bible Study: The Making of a Disciple
Concluding Prayer
Worship song for Today: What do You believe in
Prayer School
NOTICE Daddy Uma Ukpai books are available to download by committed partners or purchase. Send us a mail to connect
Daily Wisdom Devotion: The Making of a Disciple
Mark 14:50, Psalm 91:1-2, Job 29:4, 1 Peter 4:12-13, John 14:12, Luke 24:49, Isaiah 1:19, James 5:17-18, Mark 9:23, Acts 10:38, Isaiah 33:13, Psalm 62:11, Acts 9:32-35, Acts 5:15, Matthew 7:7, Zechariah 4:10
Men and brethren, the scripture said when the time was tough, when Jesus was arrested, the disciples ran away from the master. “And they all forsook him, and fled “Mark 14:50. The Making of a Disciple requires consistency and obedience, and anyone that shall become a faithful disciple shall end up a high-flyer with every benefit accorded to an Ambassador of Heaven. Service is what distinguishes a man from the rest. The psalmist declares. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” Psalm 91:1-2. It implies that no one is permitted to defeat their Goliath who is not serving in The Secret Place of the Most High. Job declared, “As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle;” Job 29:4. It was in the secret place of the Lord he understood the mathematics of wealth creation and living without fault. I pray for someone here, this Easter season shall single you out from the thrash to become a generational treasure.
Friends, we are created by God to be somebody when we become Faithful Disciples in His presence. Therefore, you must embrace divine presence and be enlisted to Service to command glorious living. You must not allow the system to belittle your dream or to disgrace the Grace of God on your life. You need supernatural victory because your battles are essentially spiritual. That means your victories can only be established by spiritual help – a supernatural force coming into operation to give you victory. I announce, heaven shall subdue the battles that are raging against you and against your father’s house in Jesus name.
Are you tormented by the devil with sickness or infirmity? As you are reading this teaching, a force will hit you there to set you free forever, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Friends, The Making of a Disciple will guaranttee your supernatural victory, especially this season. Join us as a Committed and Faithful Disciple. Recognize that battles are not strange to people (1 Peter 4:12-13). Every battle is an opportunity for you to demonstrate the power of God and manifest your victory. God is tired of talkers, He is looking for doers and servants. Problems are not designed to destroy you, but are programmed to be solved. What makes a man cry is what God has called him to solve. Obstacles are opportunities for miracles; they are not to stagnate your destiny. They are there to prove your worth in God and for God to demonstrat His power on your behalf. There’s no champion who has no stories of challenges to tell. I declare, this God shall grant you a supernatural commanding victory beginning today as you get ready to serve him completely in Jesus name Amen.
The problem is that we have not yet begun to realize the illimitable power, wonders and resources which God places at the call of His people’s faith and obedience. These wonders also include the manifestations of His providence in answering prayer, in removing difficulties, in breaking down barriers, in providing means for the carrying on of His cause, and in all those wonders of providence and grace of which so many examples have been given in our own time. Jesus said ‘He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father’ John 14:12. That means you are called to do the extraordinary because the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra of service. May it become your daily experience in Jesus name.
The Christian church today is failing, and failing lamentably. It is not enough even to be orthodox. We need authority and we need authentication. It is not that God withdrew; it is that the church in her “wisdom” and cleverness became institutionalized, quenched the Spirit, and made the manifestations of the power of the Spirit well-nigh impossible. Is it not clear that we are living in an age when we need some special authentication—in other words, we need revival! A revival is a miracle, something that can only be explained as the direct intervention of God; the truth is that men can produce evangelistic campaigns, have great ideas even giving alms; we can give who first came to our meeting an award but they cannot and never have produced a revival. Jesus told the apostles ‘Tarry ye and don’t go until you will be endowed with power Luke 24:49. We have churches opening in every street without the word ‘Tarry’ we have people jumping into career, jumping into marriage, jumping into studies, jumping into business without ‘tarrying’. We live in a besieged world that demands and commands us to ‘function beyond the usual’ to eat the goods of the land Isaiah1:19. You cannot eat the good of the land if you are not ready to be part of The Making of a Disciple for service and to command the land. No soldier takes spoils from a battle he did not fight and conquered. Someone here is breaking forth today. Your mourning shall turn to dancing because the master is risen.
Do you live in the usual? Do you see yourself as very usual, ordinary; and there is nothing extraordinary about you. Are you of the generation that likes cheap things, everything you do is cheap. You believe in quantity rather than quality. The bible says, Elijah was a man of like passion but he functioned in the “unusual”. James 5:17-18. It is a fact that cheap things cost twice the price of expensive and good stuff in a matter of time. Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible Mark 9:23, Matthew 19:26. I declare, what was impossible for you in the past years shall be made possible this 2020 by all means in Jesus name
Are you of the generation that reward cheaters, deceits, losers rather than promote excellence? Do you promote excellence, do you promote hard work. Men and brethren, hard work is priceless and God knows how to flavour your labour with favour. He makes every day extraordinary and transforms the ordinary to become a celebrity when you are Blessed In His Presence. 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Acts 10:38
Right where you are, extraordinary thinkers command the supernatural provision through daily Living for God and enlistment to Service to God Completely. Our key to greatness lies in who we are and what we can give to other people in a way that when they walk away from us, they are able to say in their hearts that they have taken away something with them which is quite extraordinary. It is in the so called common place that the extraordinary is found; it is when we choose to see things differently that the supernatural reveals itself Isaiah 33:13, Psalm 62:11. We must not seek phenomena and strange experiences. What we must seek is the manifestation of God’s glory and his power and his might. We must leave it to God, in his sovereign wisdom, to decide whether to grant these occasional concomitants or not
Peter was an ordinary man, living an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE, How did he do it? He worked on the EXTRA every day; no wonder the bible says his body became a transporter of the consecrated presence of God, As soon as it was seen, the ordinary, the one who denied Jesus became extraordinary. Acts 5:15, Acts 9:32-35. Heaven has called us and we must change our mentality from low living, colourless living to higher living; you can become a high flier. If you can dream it you can have it. But when you dance around, hang around, ponder around cheap things, you get cheap things as reward Proverbs 23:7.
How do you pray for the best, and yet outwardly desire the ordinary. How do you go out seeking for the ordinary things and expect to find the best things. When you seek the ordinary, you are asking God to give you the cheap, the ordinary, the usual. Matthew 7:7. Therefore, when Christians are baptized by the Holy Spirit, they have a sense of the power and presence of God that they have never known before. Why? The baptism of the Spirit is a new fresh manifestation of God to the soul. You have an overwhelming knowledge given to you of God’s love to you in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is the greatest and most essential characteristic of the baptism with the Spirit. It is experiential. It is undeniable. There is an immediacy that goes beyond ordinary experience. It fills with overwhelming joy. It turns advocates of Christ into witnesses of what they have seen and heard. The purpose, the main function of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, is to enable God’s people to witness in such a manner that it becomes a phenomenon and people are arrested and are attracted and not for showmanship or predicting when the next airplane will crashed or the doom of your country when you are supposed to be interceding for her. When you stay in His presence, you become Blessed In His Presence and begin to attract great things to your life. Attraction is the fundamental purpose for power, as you connect to the power of Jesus and utilize it to do extraordinary things in your communities, non-believers will be attracted to Christ and the power of his grace. Be empowered today.
We are living in times that are not “normal.” What has been normal for us in our prayer life and experience of Christianity will not suffice for this hour. God is calling us to extraordinary prayer in His Presence and to be a Faithful Disciple! How will you respond? If you pursue happiness, goodness and mercy, you are an ordinary person. If happiness, goodness and mercy pursue you, you are an extraordinary person. Men who dwell in the house of the lord, in The Secret Place of the Most High, in God’s comfort zone do not chase happiness, goodness and mercies; because they are product of His presence Psalm 23:6. Therefore, if you want to lead and live an extraordinary life, find out what the ordinary do–and don’t do it.
Let us together decide to beseech him, to plead with Him to do this again. Not that we may have the experience or the excitement, but that His mighty hand may be known and his great name may be glorified and magnified among the people
I challenge you to begin living every moment of your life as miraculous and Service to God. The gift you will be giving yourself is a lasting passage of discovery, one that is unlimited and infinitely rewarding. Begin the journey. We have one precious life: do something extraordinary today, even if it is tiny Zechariah 4:10. I declare, no gang up of the enemy can change your destiny because what God blesses, he defends. Job 1:9. As God continue to promote you, any witch or wizard troubling is wasting their time, they will be crushed. You will access global realm without stress. Are you Ready to be a Faithful Disciple and following His command in The Making of a Disciple? Hear me, No matter what you are going through now, this is your season of glorious opportunities of a second chance to command divine presence, manifest divine wonders and be Blessed In His Presence. Let me share these testimonies before the concluding prayer.
Testimony Time
Onyema wrote
I see his hand upon me. God has made me the treasurer of my Family as declared by Daddy
Concluding Prayer of The Making of a Disciple: Awesomely awesome God, I renew my covenant of service to you. Lord, I am ready to become your Disciple. I will not run away when things become tough in the realm of the Physical. Father, let me experience daily the blessings of staying in the realm of service that commands blessings, ideas and possibilities. Grant me favour so that my enemies will no longer mock me but shall celebrate me and grant me power to confront every confrontation in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.
Prayer School
Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade already in planning Aug 7th-9th, 2020. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to info@thecomfortzone.se to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name
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Amen oooooooooooooooooooooo
Amen thank you Jesus my Lord and personal saviour Jesus Christ you’re great and everything written about you is great my awesomely awesome God l bow down before your throne.
Amen ooo
Amen ooo