Daily Devotional: Jan. 17-’25: Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style

Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, Our Year of    , the month and season of Coronation in Unexpected Places. 2025 shall be a year of uncommon favour and it shall be the Season of Unlimited Harvest. Follow us on bublr, Facebook and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/TheComfortZonese/videos  https://www.facebook.coam/TheComfortZone.se 

Declaration for January: Father God, I boldly declare this first month of 2025 as my Month of Coronation, a season where You crown my efforts with glory and honour. By Your divine authority, I step into realms of influence and favour that I never imagined possible. My name will be recognized for excellence, and I will walk in divine favour in unexpected and uncommon places. I decree that unshakable joy, divine peace, and extraordinary victories will be my testimony this month. I walk in divine promotion, multiplied blessings, and the fullness of God’s promises for my life. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I declare and receive it. Amen.

Weekly Partners Declaration: This is my week of Divine Sustenance. Father, this week, despite the global economic challenges and health crises in the world today, I receive Divine Sustenance for my health and finances. Whatever I lay my hands upon to do, even in isolation, shall prosper openly. I decree that every confrontation with any witch or wizard attempting to hinder my destiny shall end in my favour—they shall be crushed. As I partner with this commission, my comeback in 2025 shall be greater than any setback I experienced in 2024, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Bible Study: Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style

Concluding Prayer

Worship song for Today: What do You believe in 

Prayer School

Daily Wisdom Devotion: Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style

Matthew 26:39, 2 Timothy 2:12, 21, 1 Peter 1:6-7, John 3:16, Gen 22:3, Luke 5:5-11, 1 Peter 1:19, Proverbs 16:20, 1 Kings 2:3, Philippians 2:8-10

Men and brethren, the best way to enjoy the dividing of Calvary is follow the steps to Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style, and that is to obey God entirely. Any man who invest all like Peter to the kingdom will also see the treasures of service and the treasures in the trash. Those who come to receive miracle without commitment will miss the treasures of heaven because it takes a committed believer to command his or her Destiny. Therefore, Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style begins with renewing your love for God and for Kingdom advancement. Today, tell God to make you a Mighty Vessel  (2 Tim 2:21) and let Him change your story for the best beginning this January 2025 in Jesus name. Friend,  If you  find yourself measuring below the call of God upon your life, it is time to say to God, Father, guide me and show me the steps to Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style, Mold my heart into total submission. Let me walk in the path of righteousness, Hand in hand with the Lord Jesus! I am confident that what is left in your hands cannot be taken away by the enemy in Jesus name. I declare, your past has pass away.

Friends, this topic is coming to you because we live in a generation of quick and easy fixes; drugs of one form or another are expected to solve all of our physical and for some, even our spiritual and emotional problems. A lot of people are in the house of God with this mentality. They want quick fix to every problem, they expect the pastor to deliver to them feel good messages as tablets to their soul. Many of us continue to search for a world where there will be no pain, no suffering, and no death. We run away from and rebel against anything that seeks to bring us back to this reality forgetting that there is a path to greatness. The question remains “Have you discover why you were created. What is Your Purpose? Are you committed to Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style? Are you a Vessel of Honour? Are you consistently Consistent in serving God and making input to kingdom advancement?

We assume that happiness and pain are opposites, and this is a very wrong assumption. Happiness is elusive because it cannot be achieved as an end in itself. It’s a by-product of a well-lived life. And carrying the yoke of Jesus is part of any well-lived life. So when we seek to avoid all pain (whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual), we actually cheat ourselves out of true happiness. I want you to picture the master as he was nailed to the cross, picture the pain in the stripes he was given, picture the pain of death facing him. He cried out when he saw it in a revelation “And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39. He came for one purpose and fulfilled it. Today I would like us to understand that Jesus pain was our gain. We have been established in greatness as we follow the path and the steps to Destiny Fulfillment to command exceeding greatness.

Until recent times, Christians accepted that suffering would be a necessary part of their lives. (2 Timothy 2:12, 1 Peter 1:6-7) This attitude helped them to work through their pain and suffering. It purified them, making them stronger, more compassionate, and more usable for God.

The reason God the father did not answer Jesus cry was because, he was committed to fulfill his words in John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” Jesus must do as commanded even in Pain. He fulfilled his purpose because there is no star without a scar. say again, Lord, make me a Mighty Vessel

Let me recap the experience of our Father of Faith, Abraham; In Genesis 22:3. Abraham saddled his horse and did as God commanded him without delay, and without questioning God because not only is God a change agent; he also can empower you to become successful in life. He can put your enemies under your feet. He can make you rise up against all obstacles on your way. God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, the son he waited after 75 years to get a promise and extra 25 years for the promise to be delivered. No wonder God made him a generational blessing, and he fulfilled his destiny. May you enjoy the blessings of Father Abraham in grand style.

Peter was in an all-night pain, financial difficulty, worked like an Elephant but with no results, no evidence of his labour. “Simon answered Jesus, Master we have toiled all the night, and we have caught no fish”. Luke 5:5-11. Have you ever heard God asked you to give an offering when you have no money in your pocket except that little money you have reserved for something. Is there anytime God had asked you to give and you are not willing to give or to forgive those who have wronged you, and you were not willing to forgive. If you are going to be the kind of person God wants you to be, you must be willing to obey God totally and completely. We are not the only ones who sometimes suffer for doing good, Jesus did! He allowed death to happen for the benefit of others, and he set an example of how to handle persecution! Today, I see God stepping into your boat.

Jesus was an innocent person. He lived a perfect sinless life. The bible shares this with us in many places. 1 Peter 1:19 says His blood was spotless, without blemish. No wonder in the midst of Simon frustration about life, in the heat of financial difficulty; “Simon said to Jesus, nevertheless at thy word; what you have asked us to do does not make sense but at thy word I shall lower my net”. You must come to that place where God says forgive your wife and because God has spoken you will forgive her. When God says stay away from anything that will lure you into sin; say to God it does not make sense but I have decided to obey you.

Friend, when you find yourself in the situation of Peter; when you are in the valley where there is no water or ladder; when it seems all has forsaken you; when you have tried everything and it seems instead of getting results, you are witnessing a rise of trouble, Say to God, make me A Vessel of God, so I can fulfill destiny.

Friends, in order to fulfill destiny, there are things you need to know and practice.

Number One: God prospers by instruction. What is He saying to you? It is your duty to find it out. Proverbs 16:20, 1 Kings 2:3. If you are a child of God and God speaks to you, you will have no business with failure. Prophesy upon yourself, I shall not go through life empty-handed. Obeying instructions in pain elevated our master “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” Philippians 2:8-10.

Number Two: God explodes your miracles when you obey him. Obedience is the master key to success. There were sermons Jesus did not preach; there were sermons he demonstrated. What happened in the life of Peter was a demonstration of his sermon. He came that you may be somebody. We need to obey God because He knows the number of fish in every ocean. The fish that refuse to obey you shall obey Him. That buried dream—the dream of success, the dream of rising above the limitations of your family—because Jesus resurrected, those dreams shall also resurrect.

Number Three: How many of us have learned the reward of gratitude. Peter fell down at Jesus feet to show appreciation. Jesus was on his kneels asking God to let his will be done. All of us must learn how to be grateful to God even in Pain. There are things we must not take for granted; how many of you are happy that Jesus died because of you? How many of you are happy that God has a plan, not to take you to America but to take you to Heaven. Men and brethren, those who are grateful in life, receives double portion of the reward of life. You must ask God to teach you how to be grateful. Anyone who becomes grateful; you are going to single yourself out of the crowd, people will always love you without you knowing why they love you. Therefore, you must pulse, ponder and celebrate the person that blesses you. When you go to your village and see your mother, tell her ‘Mother I am happy you are still alive’. Peter did, and he became the Bishop of others from being a fisherman. Someone here is blessed.

If you are here with anything that is not working in your life; maybe you are here as a preacher but you are not doing well. Whatever is your instrument of work; whatever God has empowered you to use for the welfare of your family and yourself; whatever is your training, my desire is that God will turn it to be an instrument of feeding your family members and feeding you. The bible has already promised that whatever you lay your hands to do shall be successful. Right where you are, I want you to prophesy to your hand and say ‘you my hand whatever I shall lay you to do shall prosper’. Your hand, your body, your womb, your career, your promotion in life, may have been declared dead but because Jesus resurrected, whatever that was dead in your life shall resurrect.

I don’t care how young you are, every one of us was sent to this world to solve a problem. I don’t know what the problem is; everything God created was created to solve a problem. As long as you are ready to be a vessel of honour, A Vessel of God. I declare that you must solve a problem in your family, in your church, everywhere you go; you must be used by God to solve problems. Today, tell God to step into your boat, into your business, into your studies, into your finances, into your training, and step into your calling and be Consistently Committed to Destiny Fulfillment in Service to God. Be Awesomely favoured

Let me share these testimonies before the concluding prayer.

Testimony Time

So much to thank God for this new month of January. The month and season of Coronation. Send in your testimony and Vow. Note Comment section deactivated because some hackers were using it to cause problem for the site. Please use the Facebook for comments and messages. see top for links

Concluding Prayer of Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style: My Dearest, Awesomely Awesome God, teach me the steps to Fulfilling Destiny in Grand Style as I entrust my life to you. Lord, I am ready to be an extension of your power and to enjoy all round blessing beginning today.  Lord, thank you for putting my enemy under my feet. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer School

Awesomely Awesome God, thank You for bringing me to a new decade, new month and a new Season of dramatic change of story. I announce, all through the month of January 2025, it shall be the month and season of Coronation. I step into realms of influence and favour. Whatever is preventing my breakthrough shall not escape the visitation of Heaven this month. I declare, no more losses, no more stagnation, no more bus-stop because I shall witness the power of resurrection in the name of Jesus. I shall be enthroned and celebrated everywhere I go and experience a consistent growth, supernatural break forth and multiples of favour in all areas of life. It shall be stagnation, sickness free and crisis free month, poverty shall miss my dwelling and all my mockers shall dance and sing for me during my testimony time in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, I declare that I am a favoured child of my Father God, therefore I shall not fail in life in Jesus’ name. No witch or wizard will truncate my destiny. Father God, my desire this December 2024 shall come to pass as I draw closer to You for my empowerment. Bless my vow. Teach me how to have a relationship with You in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with You in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace. Make me a change maker, result-oriented believer, business maker and career maker in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father, release Your anointing in all the places this commission shall be ministering. Grant us wisdom and financial increase to make things happen. Father, through the spoken word continually heal the sick, save the lost and release the Power to raise the dead in Jesus’ name.

Father Bless Daddy Uma Ukpai with wisdom and increase his anointing. Bless the wife and the children. Bless Prof. CI and anoint him as he plans and host another One-Million-Man crusade, Uyo Miracle Convention 2025, and grant them both the grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry You committed into their hands. Bless all the staff of the Comfortzone and UUEA.

Father, I stand to pray for my nation, Nigeria (Pray for your nation). Lord, visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years. Father, Heal our land. grant us caring leaders, leaders with vision and those who know what to do by Your wisdom in Jesus’ name. Awesomely Awesome God, I declare that I am blessed and fruitful. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability, and financial stability; whatever I shall lay hands to do this January 2025 shall prosper in Jesus’ name.

Father, I am trusting You to whisper words of wisdom to my heart or put the resources in my path to help my family get back on track. For what You bring together no man can put asunder, I declare this in the deepest depths of my heart and am trusting Your guidance. My marriage shall see opens door and favour this season. My marriage shall be heaven on earth without stagnation. Therefore, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this January 2025, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, let Your mighty hand of favour uphold me in all my endeavours. You made a promise that if I pay my tithes and my first fruits, You will take away sickness and calamity and poverty from me and bless me beyond measures. Lord, as I give this month of January 2025 to support Your work, I will not die like chicken, my family members will not die like cows. As I key into this revelation of financial wonder to be a consistent payer and giver especially this January 2025, let my blessings be manifested in grand style in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, restore to me everything the enemy had taken from me in the past years, restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction in Jesus’ name. The evil that happened in the country will not happen again in Jesus’ name

Father, You know the areas in my life where I need breakthrough. Help me to have patience amidst the highs and lows and the discernment to hear Your voice regarding the steps I need to take. Help me to draw closer to You on this journey and to trust that You will release my breakthrough in Your perfect timing. Therefore, Lord, turn my curses to blessing. Give me a notable and visible miracle this January 2025. I Break the curse of stagnation and let my place of abode turn into a blessing in Jesus’ name.

Father, enlarge my coast. Enlarge my opportunity to utilize my ability and enlarge me with more useful friends, customers, and associates as destiny helpers in Jesus’ name.

Father, Anoint me and announce me with divine presence daily this January 2025, and give me daily result in my entire endeavour. Renew Your covenant of life with me. Keep and preserve me from all manner of evil invention and powers, in Jesus’ name. Father, make me a giver and show me Your glory this January 2025, the way You showed King Solomon as I support this commission in hosting UYO miracle Convention 2025 to win souls for Your kingdom and to heal our land. Grant me a residence in the place of vision and actualization. Make me a partaker in the place of intercession and promote me in a new way today. Let the Heavens be open continually on my demand and let the eagle in me come alive today and begin to fly in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father God, my declaration today and all through this January 2025 is covered by the blood of  Jesus and in partnership with your servants, I have overcome the devil, my Red Sea, my problems by your blood and by my declaration in Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Written by DrCI

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Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade planning. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to info@thecomfortzone.se to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name

If you need to speak to the Comfortzone Pastor DrCI send email to info@thecomfortzone.se or send inbox message to the Comfortzone Facebook page. www.facebook.com/TheComfortZone.se/. May God increase your favour