Entry 12. Diary of a Christian lady: Beer mug
Dear Diary,
Weeks ago, I walked into a charity shop and came out with what I thought was a most spectacular find. The largest mug I have ever seen! I was ecstatic! I am a tea enthusiast. I delight in guzzling copious amounts of it every morning, this was going to make life even sweeter!
The logo on the mug was for a brand of beer. It got me confused.
“Why is there a beer brand logo on it?” I asked the shop attendant
“It’s a beer mug!”
“A whaaat?”
And she gave me that look like…how can you not know this?
Well, I thought…a mugs a mug by whatever name.
I took my new best friend home, washed her and prepared her for work the next morning.
Yes, I am still talking about the mug.
Teatime arrived. I put my tea bag(s) into my mug and poured out my hot water. Halfway to the brim of the mug I heard it, soft but audible… ‘crack’… I stopped in horror and looked her over. She looked ok, nothing broken. I thought I imagined it. I went on to enjoy my tea in my mini bucket.
Ever since that day, whenever I made tea, I heard it… ‘crack’… Where is it cracking? It was frustrating. The mug was intact. What was going on?
Yesterday, usual routine. But as I tilted my head back to drain the last dregs of my tea…I saw them. Like veins lining the back of an incredibly old woman’s hands…they were everywhere. From the bottom to the top.
A line for every ‘crack’ I had ever heard. My friend was splitting on her inside. I never noticed
This morning. I poured the hot water and …CRAAAACKK! This was not subtle. She had cracked open.
I felt sad. I ruined her the minute I used her for what she wasn’t made for. She is useless now. I’ll have to toss her out.
My friend the mug, couldn’t talk but I imagine if she could, she would have screamed at me,
“MOJO, I wasn’t MADE for this! I am a BEER mug. I don’t do well with heat. Its NOT who I AM!”
Well SHE should have said something. I’ve never even heard of a beer mug.
I Thought they drank beer in glasses… at least they do in the commercials.
I wonder is if it’s the same thing with us. With relationships, jobs, bad habits? Looking good on the outside but slowly crack…cracking on the inside because we are operating outside our original purpose.
Without saying a word.
Eph 2:20 (NKJV)
For WE ARE His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.