Devotion: Mar. 07-’22 Divine Direction

Welcome to the Decade of Supernatural Exploits, Our Year of Promotion, the month of festival of miracles and rest that will put shame on our mockers tables and catapults us to the realm of Possibility of miracles, and the Season of Unlimited Harvest. Follow us on bublr, Facebook and Youtube 

Declaration for March: Father God, this month of March 2022 is declared my month of festival of miracles and rest. There will be no dull moment in my march to glory and breakthrough in March. I receive the grace to sustain every achievement. Father, this month shall deliver to me a celebrative favour in Jesus name. Amen.

Weekly Partners Declaration: This week shall give direction to my purpose. I refuse to resign from my dream to be at the top because I am a proof producer. As I continue to partner with the Awesomely Awesome God of this commission, whatever I shall lay my hands to do shall prosper in Jesus name! Amen.


Bible Study: Divine Direction

Concluding Prayer

Worship song for Today: What do You believe in?

Prayer School

Daily Wisdom Devotion: Divine Direction

Proverbs 18:10, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Esther 3:2, Esther 5:9-14, John 10:10, Romans 5:1-5, Romans 8:28- Jeremiah 29:11-13, Prov 3:5-6, Prov 3:5-6, Col 1:9, 1 John 5:14-15

Men and brethren, the safest place to be as a child of God is for you to be in the centre of God’s Will and obeying it. No matter where you are, or how you are, or what you are, or what’s against you, the Lord will keep directing you if you are in the centre of His Will! It’s a charmed circle where you live a charmed life. The scripture says “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Meaning, the presence of God directs where the righteous should run to. Therefore, the plan of God is that you will become a creator of your circumstances with the ability to achieve everything he wants you to become in life. It means he has a purpose and a plan and a will for every single one of us (Jeremiah 29:11-13). God has a plan for your happiness, your prosperity, the good in your life, your wellbeing and your success but if you don’t want to know Gods will to walk in it then you will have trouble, affliction and sickness. But we have a choice to obey God. I prophesy to every partner here, the blessings of the Lord shall overshadow you in Jesus name.

God not only have a plan for your life but he will show you what it is. He will show you the big things and the little things. This is true for a person who has received Jesus Christ as their personal saviour; the bible says we must be

  • Forgiving of your Sin
  • Be redeemed by Jesus blood
  • Be Justified, and declared no longer found unrighteous
  • Be sanctified

God will sometimes go to the extreme to show you what His will is for your life. Proverbs 3:5-6, Colossians 1:9. If necessary, God will move heaven and earth to show us His will.

How did the men in the Old Testament know for certain what God wanted them to do? These days religious people are claiming divine inspiration for all sorts of behaviours that are, not only nonsensical, but downright horrible. What is God’s will for my life? Is God leading me to take this new job? Does God want me to marry this person? Could God be pointing me in a new direction for my life?

If you must discover the will of God, it begins with,

Number One: The word of God: Most of us are in the jet age generation that we don’t study the word of God, thereby living a colourless life. It is not enough to say ‘man of God, please speak into my life and I will be healed or I will be instantly blessed’ but studying to gain revelational knowledge about what God wants you to do. The reason sometimes why the spoken word from any anointed preacher into your life has not manifested is because the word spoken (Rhema) need the word of God inside you (Logos) to be fruitful. Psalm 119:130. If you neglect the word of God, you will be missing out in the will of God because the word of God is the primary will of God speaking to us.

The will of God is not the same for everybody. So you don’t live your life the way your friends or your pastor live his life. The good thing about God is that His ‘Will’ will never lead us to where his grace cannot keep us.

Number Two: To know the will of God, we must ask in prayers. Do you give time to prayer? We must be willing to ask God and must also be willing to listen to him. You don’t go to God asking him and prescribing a medicine for yourself all at the same time. 1 John 5:14-15. It is the confidence, the assurance and the boldness that should be your anchor to your prayers. If you are listening, he is going to show you. If God is not speaking, we need to look inwardly and find out what we are missing. Psalm 139:23.

How long do I have to ask God to show me His will? As long as it is necessary for you to get in the position spiritually so He can tell you. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The length of time depends how willing you are to listen and if the timing is right but God will not withhold His will from you purposely.

Number Three: Sometimes God shows us His will by circumstances. I have learnt that every aspect of our life is important; sometimes God knowing our hearts, knowing our willingness, knowing that we want to know what is right and do His will, will allow things to happen to make us stay in His will. And we are quick to blame people without knowing that God just used them to fulfil His will for us. Romans 8:28, Genesis 22:1-13. Never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light. Abraham obeyed without delay. If we do the one thing God tells us to do, He will reveal the next step when the right time comes. God’s answer never arrives a minute too late.

Right where you are, that job that sacked you, that fiancé or fiancée that says I don’t want to continue this relationship, may be the way God is saving you from making a monumental mistake that would have terminated your life and destroy His will for you. The good thing about God is that He never closes one door without opening another door. For a believer, God is engineering the circumstances of our lives for what is best for us.

Number Four: Other times God shows us His will by Godly counsel. This is you going to talk to somebody about something that is not clear to you. You must first find out the lifestyle that person is living first before you go asking them about what God is saying to you. You must be careful who you ask for counsel. Your question to them must be ‘what do you think the word of God says I should do’ and not ‘what do ‘you’ think I should do concerning this situation’ because ungodly advise is terribly destructive. Proverbs 20:18, 1King 12:6-19, 1 John 4:1, Romans 15:4

Number Five: Another way of knowing the will of God is our conscience. The more the word of God is in your conscience the more accurate you can make decisions. Your conscience must be purified by the word of God to come into the right conclusion. This is one of the reasons why we have the daily wisdom devotion to help you become strong in the word of God. Hebrews 10:22, 1Timothy1:5, 1John 2:27, 1John 1:9, 1Peter 3:16. Your conscience cannot be your guide if it is not train by the word of God.

Number Six: Other times to discover Gods will for your life, you must be aware of a restless spirit. Most time when God wants to change the way you are thinking, or what you are going to do, you become very restless. It is a way the HolySpirit is gently looking for your attention. Restlessness gets on to your kneel to ask God what are you saying concerning this situation. God will sometimes bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly and love deep within your heart. Hebrews 4:12, Genesis 21:17, Acts 10:1-48

Number Seven: Another way to discover Gods will for your life is to walk in faith taking one step at a time. The walk of faith is a step at a time. Genesis 12:1. God told Abraham, I am going to show you as you go. Acts 16:16-34. Hebrews11:1-6

Number Eight: The last we shall see on how to discover the will of God is that God may use unusual manifestations. Moses was in the wilderness for forty years and God gave him a burning bush experience of unusual manifestation. Exodus 3:1-5. This could also be a visionary experience. Acts 16:9

Finally, the understanding of the will of God guarantees success and divine direction. I speak to someone here, the will of God will not direct you to where the grace of God cannot keep you. May you become a commander of your circumstances.

Testimony Time So much to thank God for. Send in your testimony and Vow. Note Comment section deactivated because some hackers were using it to cause problem for the site. Please use the Facebook for comments and messages. see top for links


DrCI wrote

Wow!!! Welcome to the month of March 2022, our month of festival of miracles and rest that will catapult us to the realm of extraordinary favour. It is a season where heaven shall finally grant us all the blessings of 2022 in overwhelming surplus. Your results shall dazzle all your mockers in grand style, no matter the threats or demonic manipulations. I bless every Partner supporting us. I declare you awesomely favoured.

Concluding Prayer of Divine Direction: Awesomely awesome God, I thank you for knowing what is best for me. Reveal Your will to me through Your word that I read daily. Lord when fear attempts to consume me, cause me to be the destroyer of the fear by your perfect love for I know it casts out all fear. When it seems that I am tempted to turn back and ignore your will, chasten my spirit and help me to see that you only want the best for me. Help me to realize that anything you bring into my life and anything you reveal to me is for my good. Give me a spirit of acceptance and a heart open to your move in my life. Lord, in the centre of Your will is provision and protection and blessing and usefulness. Most of all Lord, seeking your kingdom first and letting everything else be added afterwards in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.

Prayer School

Awesomely Awesome God, thank You for bringing me to a new decade, new month and a new Season of Glorification. My month of festival of miracles and rest that will catapult me to the realm of extraordinary favour, close every negative voices because my overdue miracles shall be delivered speedily without delay and in grand style. Whatever is preventing my breakthrough shall not escape the visitation of Heaven this month. I declare, no more losses, no more stagnation in the name of Jesus. I shall be enthroned and celebrated everywhere I go and experience a consistent growth, supernatural break forth and multiples of favour in all areas of life. It shall be stagnation, sickness free and crisis free month, poverty shall miss my dwelling and all my mockers shall dance and sing for me during my testimony time in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, I declare that I am a favoured child of my Father God, therefore I shall not fail in life in Jesus’ name. No witch or wizard will truncate my destiny. Father God, my desire this March 2022 shall come to pass as I draw closer to You for my empowerment. Bless my vow. Teach me how to have a relationship with You in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with You in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace. Make me a change maker, result-oriented believer, business maker and career maker in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father, release Your anointing in all the places this commission shall be ministering. Grant us wisdom and financial increase to make things happen. Father, through the spoken word continually heal the sick, save the lost and release the Power to raise the dead in Jesus’ name.

Father Bless Daddy Uma Ukpai with wisdom and increase his anointing. Bless the wife and the children. Bless DrCI and anoint him as he plans and host another One-Million-Man crusade, Uyo Miracle Convention 2022, and grant them both the grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry You committed into their hands. Bless all the staff of the Comfortzone and UUEA.

Father, I stand to pray for my nation, Nigeria (Pray for your nation). Lord, visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years. Father, Heal our land. grant us caring leaders, leaders with vision and those who know what to do by Your wisdom in Jesus’ name. Awesomely Awesome God, I declare that I am blessed and fruitful. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability, and financial stability; whatever I shall lay hands to do this March 2022 shall prosper in Jesus’ name.

Father, I am trusting You to whisper words of wisdom to my heart or put the resources in my path to help my family get back on track. For what You bring together no man can put asunder, I declare this in the deepest depths of my heart and am trusting Your guidance. My marriage shall see opens door and favour this season. My marriage shall be heaven on earth without stagnation. Therefore, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this March 2022, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, let Your mighty hand of favour uphold me in all my endeavours. You made a promise that if I pay my tithes and my first fruits, You will take away sickness and calamity and poverty from me and bless me beyond measures. Lord, as I give this month of March 2022 to support Your work, I will not die like chicken, my family members will not die like cows. As I key into this revelation of financial wonder to be a consistent payer and giver especially this March 2022, let my blessings be manifested in grand style in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, restore to me everything the enemy had taken from me in the past years, restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction in Jesus’ name. The evil that happened in the country will not happen again in Jesus’ name

Father, You know the areas in my life where I need breakthrough. Help me to have patience amidst the highs and lows and the discernment to hear Your voice regarding the steps I need to take. Help me to draw closer to You on this journey and to trust that You will release my breakthrough in Your perfect timing. Therefore, Lord, turn my curses to blessing. Give me a notable and visible miracle this March 2022. I Break the curse of stagnation and let my place of abode turn into a blessing in Jesus’ name.

Father, enlarge my coast. Enlarge my opportunity to utilize my ability and enlarge me with more useful friends, customers, and associates as destiny helpers in Jesus’ name.

Father, Anoint me and announce me with divine presence daily this March 2022, and give me daily result in my entire endeavour. Renew Your covenant of life with me. Keep and preserve me from all manner of evil invention and powers, in Jesus’ name. Father, make me a giver and show me Your glory this February 2022, the way You showed King Solomon as I support this commission in hosting One-Million-Man crusade and UYO miracle Convention 2022 to win souls for Your kingdom and to heal our land. Grant me a residence in the place of vision and actualization. Make me a partaker in the place of intercession and promote me in a new way today. Let the Heavens be open continually on my demand and let the eagle in me come alive today and begin to fly in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Father God, my declaration today and all through this March 2022 is covered by the blood of  Jesus and in partnership with your servants, I have overcome the devil, my Red Sea, my problems by your blood and by my declaration in Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Written by DrCI

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Please Celebrate God by sending your gift to support the One million man crusade planning. use the details: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name

If you need to speak to the Comfortzone Pastor DrCI send email to or send inbox message to the Comfortzone Facebook page. May God increase your favour