Be a committed Partner
Testimonies from AAGODCLUB Members
“Every day in September 2016 is programmed to carry your blessings. I prophesy to every partner beginning today, No man or woman will stand against your purpose and succeed in Jesus name”
Praise wrote
Daddy goodday Sir,God has done it.i have put to bed a bouncing baby boy.Daddy thank u for ur prayers may God bless u aboundantly
Modester wrote
Daddy good evening sir,I want to return all thanks to God for healing me through you,Immediately I took the communion as instructed by you,everything in me that was not working started working..the healing power of God landed upon me…I am so happy…may God continue to bless you sir.
Akhelas wrote
Hi father the best man i have ever met.. daddy uma glory be to God, i wrote to you yesterday and told how i and my partner were going through depression yesterday and you told me to be strong..Father i cry so bad last night and i was praying for God to give us peace.. Today father my partner went to work for some one and actually the ask him to work for him full time😇🙏
🙏awesome awesomely God has never fail me and my family
🙏Thanks to you and God will continue to bless you in Jesus powerful name Amen
Benny wrote
Daddy , I want to testify of God’s faithfulness and return all glory to Him
She was successfully operated upon . My sister and the baby were brought out of theatre around 6 pm this evening. A fibroid was detected and also removed during the operation. We as a family are grateful to God Almighty for delivering our sister from the hand of death. May all glory, honour, praise ,adoration, thanksgiving be returned to God Almighty. We thank him for increasing our number this very day. Thanks Daddy for your prayers. May God continue to bless you
DrCI wrote
Partners Corner: I announce a fresh wave of divine favour to you this month. Your enemies shall make mistakes that will bless you. Remember, Partners are daily prayed for and when necessary receive a phone call for counseling and prayers from drCI. The partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211
And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK and after sowing your seed, Please send email to to get into the list and for prayer support. You can also use My prayer is that Life will not intimidate you. May you experience a supernatural increase from henceforth. Happy New Month You are awesomely favoured
Worship song
Prayer School
Bible Study: Becoming an Apostle of Love
Concluding Prayer
Worship song for Today
New Album: Let the Blessings Come
Let the blessings come
From the north
From the south
The east and the west
We have overcome
By the word
Of our mouth
We have victory
Let the blessings come
You are our God and Father
You are the one with us through all I trials
We worship you
And your Holy name forever
Throughout our lives we gonna give you praise
Lord we look to you
To pour down your blessings
And we raise our arms
Shouting unto heaven
Let it reign
Let the blessings come
Awesomely Awesome God, thank you for bringing me to the ninth month of 2016, let the blessings come and overtake me and let my package be delivered completely. I desire today and throughout my life on earth to live for you. This is my pledge in Jesus name.
Lord, because I am a seed of Abraham, make my life completely whole and stagnation free and humiliation free. Let me see your tender mercies in all I do this month of September and this year. LORD, show your mighty hands and power in this country. Grant our leaders’ direction. We ask you grant us selfless leaders and not looters. What the country is going through shall not make your children the victims. Let us become the solution and not part of the corruption. Bless my family, my friends and home. Grant us Power to succeed in this life in all we do, we shall not lack any good thing in Jesus name
Lord, you made a promise that if I pay my tithes, You will take away sickness and calamity and poverty from me. I now declare, You are my healer and my deliverer. I will be still in the midst of life turbulent. No matter what the enemy will create around me, you will grant me supernatural commanding victory beginning this September.
Father, I declare my loyalty and commitment to you this day by PRAISE and I ask You to reign over my life. Lord, in this ninth month of the year 2016, I place all my cares and burdens upon you because You live, all fear is gone. I carry my burdens no more.
Lord, my everyday desire is to become intimate with you and to draw closer to you. Teach me how to have a relationship with you in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with you in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace.
Father, let all the miracles Performed in the Anioma one million man crusade be permanent and let your name be glorified as we plan again. Through the spoken word continually heal the sick, release the Power to raise the dead. Release your Power for the economy and blessings of the community and the entire country in Jesus name
Father Bless Daddy Uma Ukpai with wisdom and increase his anointing. Bless the wife and the children. Bless DrCI and grant them the grace to complete the project/assignment/ministry you committed into their hands. Bless all the staff of the comfortzone and UUEA.
Father, the scripture declares that my deliverance rest upon my testimony and the blood of Jesus. I stand by the blood of Jesus to declare, that I am ready to confront whatever that confronts my future, my destiny, my health, my finances, my family in 2016. I shall be creative in speaking life into my life. I shall hold nothing back in my testimony; I shall see favour and increase.
When others will say there is a casting down, I shall say and see a lifting up. I shall use my gifts wisely, I shall dream godly dreams, and every demon sent to distract, block my vision or disorganize me, let the blood trouble them in Jesus name
Father, I stand to pray for my nation Nigeria (Pray for your nation) because when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices, and when wicked perish there are shouts of joy. May every wickedness of the wicked come to an end in this land, and may the waster be wasted. Oh Lord, that thou mayest come down and visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years in Jesus name
Awesomely God, I declare I am blessed and fruitful. I must multiply. Greater is He that is in me than the devil that is causing the bareness and delay. In you Jesus Christ, I have abundance of life. Beginning today, whatever I was subject to is now subject to me. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability and financial stability, in Jesus name.
Lord, let anything that will stand between me my supplication, my devotion and my breakthrough today! Be destroyed! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my healings, my spiritual promotion and the physical manifestation, my blessings, anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough today, Father destroy! Destroy! Anything! Whatever it may be! That can stand between me Lord and that great breakthrough that You have purposed for me for today, my Lord and my Saviour Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my breakthrough Almighty God Destroy today! Anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough today, Father destroy! Destroy! In Jesus’ mighty Name
Lord, restore to me everything the enemy had taken from me in the past years, restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction as I get connected to the mysteries of your kingdom through the help of the Holy Ghost as a servant in Jesus name
Marriage from godly perspective is good and opens door to enduring favour; Therefore, Father, I plead for God’s mercy over every wrong step I have taken in life, especially marriage, career, school. I ask you to cleanse me of self-guilt by the blood of Jesus and to redeem my lost joy. O God, by the redemptive power in the blood of Jesus, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this year, in Jesus’ mighty name
Father, I, in agreement with the Anointing of God of this ministry now decree because I am born of God, I am cleansed from all unrighteousness through the blood of Jesus. My whole life shall glorify Jesus and not satan. I shall no more see evil but enjoy the goodness of God on earth. I am born again, by the Spirit of God, working very active in me; I am above principalities and power. I am on top and not beneath. I am born to rule and control creations within my grace jurisdiction. I am not limited; I am not in restriction but flowing in enlargement and in abundance. I am a definite controller of all that God created that are placed around me. I am truly a living testimony of Divine Power. From this month of September, my life shall bear the testimony of divine power with daily result and reward, in Jesus’ name Amen
Weekly Partners Declaration: This new week, Favour shall locate me. All those that want rain to fall on the day of my glorification shall be disappointed; I declare they shall sing my hosanna because I am unstoppable and unmolestable in Jesus name. Amen.
Declaration for September: This is my month of fulfilment of Prophecies and the beginning of my unending laughter. All those who have mocked me in the past weeks, past month and past years shall see reasons from my testimony to laugh and rejoice with me. I am divinely empowered to defeat every Goliath and every giant on my way. I shall be celebrated every day in September in Jesus name Amen
Daily Wisdom Devotion: Becoming an Apostle of Love
1 Cor 13:1-13, 1 John 4:8-10, John 3:16, Matthew 24:12, Philippians 4:8, Romans 5:8, Heb 12:5-6
Men and brethren, real love forgets one’s self, one’s state of birth and denies one’s self. Real love knows no danger. Real love acts beyond one’s own best interests. The missing link in our country today is true love. The Bible has a lot say about love. But if we were going to select an apostle which exemplified love… it would absolutely be John. Of course John wasn’t always an example of love. When we examine the Apostle John we see a man who was transformed from a man of anger into a man of love. There are many verses we could look at to see how this took place but suffice it to say…. spending time with Jesus changed John’s life! Although he remained courageous and bold, his ambition was balanced by the humility he learned at Jesus’ feet. John’s life serves to remind us of several lessons which we can apply to our own lives. First, zeal for the truth must always be balanced by a love for people. Without it, zeal can turn to harshness and judgmentalism. Like John, if we are to be effective witnesses for Christ, our demeanor should be one that reflects a passion for the truth, compassion for people, and a steadfast desire to serve and represent our Lord by reflecting His humility and grace. We all can become the Apostles of Love.
Let me say, we all have our ideas about love but the best come from God. And if love is anything at all it is a matter of doing something. Love is the seed of all hope. It is the enticement to trust, to risk, to try, to go on and to make the world a better place. Love is the missing link to the crowning of your purpose. Have you ever question your purpose in life? Do you wonder what you could do to make the most impact in your world? What single thing, what career or ministry, would enable you to make the greatest contribution to the kingdom of God?
Friend, sometimes the answer to this great question may not necessarily mean giving up all your worldly possessions but ability to realize that the secret to fulfilling God’s purpose for your life resided not so much in what you did as in how you did it. It didn’t matter whether God gave you a large role or a tiny one; you could still have impact if you could learn to do one thing- to love people in whatever circumstance you find yourself. Why? Because love lasts and love never fails. Because love does not envy, and it never boasts. It is neither proud nor rude. Love is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes. Love never gives up. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
God is love and Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is what God is. And, God always wins (1John 4:8). God is love is one of the most sublime, uplifting, and reassuring truths known to mankind; Love, in fact, is the hardest, most powerful thing in the world. Whether driving training a child, or in your marriage, leading a church, working under a boss, heading up a multinational corporation, or washing feet, love is the secret to making a lasting impact.
We become the children of God and brought into a personal relationship with Him through faith in Christ and the love of God. It is our relationship to Christ and being in Him who is at His right hand of God the Father as our advocate that allows us the privilege of not only coming into God’s presence through prayer, but of being heard through love John 3:16.
Are you of the generation that has abandoned the first principle, ‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold’ Matthew 24:12. Men and Brethren, Love is always talking to you. But are you listening?
Love can free you of fear and negativity, and is able to handle any challenge that life throws your way. If you listen to the messages that Love is whispering in your heart, you will stop the ego and feel wonderful about yourself and your life. Your mind is very powerful. The thoughts you entertain and the emotions that result create your experience of life.
You can heal stuck patterns, fear and negative thoughts by listening to your authentic, loving heart. Thoughts based in Love create healing within and transform behaviours that do not serve you. Learning to listen to Love instead of fear is one of the most powerful things you can do to heal from the past and create a more healthy life Philippians 4:8. One of our greatest needs as human beings is to be loved. We all need love. We need to know that we are important to somebody, that somebody truly cares about us, wants us, and accepts us unconditionally. When we doubt that we are loved, we may develop unacceptable behaviour patterns to compensate for it.
The good news from God’s Word is that somebody does. To know Him is to find release from the crippling effects of feeling unloved. Apostle John categorically repeated in 1John 4:16 that God is love. Love is His nature. It is not merely a friendly attitude He projects. It is the essence of His being. He is always going to act toward us in love because He cannot do otherwise. Love is the way He is.
Knowing God’s love could well be your key to a well-balanced, satisfying life of peace, productivity, and power because love involves action. It is expressed in the giving of oneself for the good of another, so it always demands an object.
Knowing the God of love can help to make us more loving and giving persons. Not only will getting to know Him more intimately cause us to become more like Him, but resting secure in the assurance that He loves us will keep us from making demands of others and free us to reach out unselfishly and minister to them for their benefit alone. It is vitally important that we understand how much God loves us.
God proved His love conclusively and irrefutably by sending His Son to the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sins Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:9-10. That is sacrificial love. What have you sacrificed because of love, because there is no Love without sacrifice! Knowing God intimately will motivate us to make some sacrifices for the good of others -for our spouses, our children, and other members of the body of Christ
We have a tendency to show more love to the people who obviously love us and less love to the ones who do not. We express our love to our spouses and our children when they perform to our expectations and we withhold it from them when they displease us. We failed to understand that there is not one good thing in any of us that merits God’s love. He does not love us because we are so lovable or because we can somehow make ourselves worthy of His love.
Are you of the generation that are so performance oriented? We have felt approved and accepted when we have performed to someone else’s satisfaction, and disapproved and rejected when we have failed to live up to their standards; and so we make such demand on others. Heaven is inviting us to keep drawing from His inexhaustible supply. To do so will enable us to keep extending love to those around us even when our love is not returned.
When some people hear that God’s love is self-giving, sacrificial, unconditional, eternal, and infinite, they get the idea that it is merely soft, sloppy sentimentality, that God is an indulgent Father who gives us everything we want and conveniently turns His head the other way when we sin. But that is not the case. Everything God does is done in the totality of His being, so His love must always be consistent with His other attributes. Since God is holy, then His love must be a holy; love that encourages holiness in true love because the evidence it produces is overwhelming!
Therefore, understanding God’s love eliminates all fear including fear of God’s discipline (Hebrews 12:5-6), fear of what tomorrow holds, fear of losing a loved one, fear of losing a job, fear of natural disaster, fear of global war, fear of suffering, fear of death, fear of being alone, fear of rejection. There is nothing to fear because God’s love is comforting.
I challenge you today to look for evidences of God’s love for you all throughout the day, and remind yourself often that you are the object of His endless love. Tell several others during the day that God loves them. As you go loving, whatever you are looking for shall come looking for you in Jesus name Amen.
Concluding Prayer of Becoming an Apostle of Love: Awesomely Awesome God, You have loved me and gave your son to die for my sins. I accept your love. I am praying for Your love to be my love and for the ability to love others. I am praying for Your mind, heart, and soul to be mine. Make me a changed person, an Apostle of Love and a person with purpose. Lord, You said you will never forsake nor leave me. I ask for your love to be made manifest in my life without my objection. I ask for a true reflection of the love that has no limit. I seek your forgiveness for every way I have praised my troubles, by using my mouth to limit my love to others and blessings. I renounce Satan and all hatred. Grant me increase and favour in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.
By Dr. C.I
For Crusade send your gift to the Account name: Anioma for Christ Crusade Foundation, Account number 4011079919 Bank: Fidelity Bank. Help us by partnering because the partners give monthly to support the online partnership program of the comfort zone online ministry, AAGODCLUB. Fidelity Bank with account number 5280000211 And account name VIRTUAL LAND NETWORK: After sowing your seed, Please send email to to get into the list. Your seed shall open your heavens. Sickness and defeat shall be far away from you and your household. Receive change of story from today for better glory in Jesus name
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